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Chiropractic care has been proven to work when it comes to focusing on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Patients who regularly receive treatments, from a good Chiropractor, highly recommend it for a variety of reasons.

Here’s the top 7 reasons Dr. Damian Smith, a Chiropractor in Honolulu, has heard you should try Chiropractic Adjustments.

1. Chiropractic Adjustments Are Safe

Chiropractic adjustments are one of the safest treatments available if you are suffering from back or neck pain.

But was is safe?

Just looking at the statistics, the risk of injury is 1 in 286,000,000, or 0.0002%. Go to a regular doctor and get the standard care, medicatio and surgery and the risk of injury is 1 in 1428. Going to a Chiropractor is that much safer! Some might even say more effective, too.

2. Chiropractic Has Been Proven Effective to Deal With Pain
If you have pain, an adjustment might be just what you need. Studies in the USA and other parts of the world show that Chiropractic Manipulations are effective. One study in California discovered that it was 86% of the time it was effective in dealing with general lower back pain.

But what about acute lower back pain? The Agency of Health Care Policy and Research recommended chiropractic care as the best treatment for this ailment. The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the Jefferson County Rehabilitation Centre showed that there was immediate improvement when chiropractic was used to treat acute lower back pain.

3. Chiropractic is Less Invasive and Drug Free

If you go to a normal medical doctor because your neck or back are hurting. You will likely be given some sort of anti-inflammatory drug. Although these drugs are given out regularly, they do have a significant amount of risks that aren’t usually explained.

Those risks include:
Allergic Reactions, some of which can be life threatening.
Increased risk of heart attack or stroke

Not to mention the risks that come from invasive surgery.
You could lose tons of blood
be paralyzed

Chiropractic has none of these risks because nothing is going into your body. There’s no medicine or needles or knives.

4. Chiropractic Doesn’t Disrupt Your Life
You simply visit the Chiropractor’s office and then go home. Recovery often takes less than 24 hours of minimal soreness. Consider that compared to who long it takes to recover after a surgery.

5. Chiropractic is Less Expensive
If you were to visit a medical doctor and have a surgery, the diagnostic costs alone account for over 50% of the charges and not to get rid of your pain.

On the other hand, the majority of chiropractic expenses from office based treatment with less than 10% of costs arising from diagnostics, usually simple xrays.

6. Chiropractic Helps With Injuries Due to Accidents
Chiropractic is really beneficial in treating different types of injuries such as sprains, pulled muscles and joint problems due to auto accidents, or sports injuries. Injuries like:
Lower Back Misalignment
Neck Misalignment

If you’re in a Car Accident and you get whiplash. Doctors would usually prescribe pain meds and bed rest which won’t help in the long run. A Chiropractor would help you almost immediately.

7. Chiropractic Works Well Because You Are Alive
Since you are alive you move around and will most likely need an adjustment at some time.

Simple things like sitting at a desk or driving long hours in a car will mess up your alignment and cause you pain.

Chiropractic will help this.

It is safe, effective and will bring pain relief.